Have you hopped on the AI bandwagon yet? If so, you’ve probably found it makes life easier in many ways. AI can be a game-changer when the stakes are low—like creating a personalized meal plan or workout routine. But when it comes to estate planning, some people are tempted to use AI as a seemingly simple and cost-effective solution.

The lure of DIY estate planning through AI is strong, especially when you think your situation is straightforward. You might even believe that because you don’t have a lot of money, your circumstances aren’t complicated. These assumptions are incredibly common—and usually far from reality.

Here’s the hard truth: estate planning is not just about creating a set of documents, and it’s almost always more complex than you think. To be effective, your plan needs to be tailored to you, your family dynamics, and the specific types of assets you own. But unless you’re an expert, you don’t know how your personal circumstances intersect with the law and your values—or how your estate plan should be structured to align with both. AI simply can’t do this. And if you get it wrong, the legal and financial fallout can be devastating. You need a real person to guide you—someone who understands you, your family, your assets, your desires, and how these all interact with current laws.

So before you’re tempted to use AI for your estate plan, ask yourself these three questions. Consider your answers carefully before turning to AI or any other free or cheap legal service. And if you’ve already created your estate plan, these questions are equally crucial.

Question No. 1: What Really Matters?

First and foremost, who or what matters most to you? When you’re crafting a legal plan for what happens if you become incapacitated or when you die, the first step is to get clear on what truly matters. Is it the money you’ve worked so hard to earn, or is it the people in your life and the relationships you’ve nurtured? Chances are, it’s the people.

Think about this: How do you feel when a loved one passes away? You’re likely filled with grief, and their absence leaves a void. While money can ease financial burdens, it’s the memories and love you shared that truly matter (that’s their “legacy”). Your loved ones will feel the same way when you’re gone. So, what will your legacy be?

Imagine your family being left to deal with a legal and financial mess after you’re gone, simply because you didn’t create an estate plan—or created one that failed. Is that the legacy you want to leave behind? Does it matter to you if your family has to spend time away from work and their lives to manage your affairs? And what if they end up fighting or becoming estranged? Does that matter to you?

What about your assets? Does it matter to you if your estate pays unnecessary taxes or that your assets get lost to your state’s Department of Unclaimed Property? Or maybe you care about supporting a cause you believe in or helping a family member in need?

When you create a Life & Legacy Plan with us, you gain the power to shape these outcomes in a way that AI never could. But first, you need to get clear on what truly matters to you.

Question No. 2: What’s It Worth?

Once you’re clear on what matters, the next question is: What is it all worth to you? How important is it to preserve your family’s relationships, for example? How important is it to ensure your assets don’t end up paying unnecessary taxes instead of going to your loved ones? It’s critical to understand not just what’s important but how important it is—so you know how much time, energy, attention, and money to dedicate to it.

One of the main reasons people turn to AI for estate planning is the mistaken belief that it’s simple. But estate planning is far more complex than most people realize. Even licensed estate planning attorneys often find themselves overwhelmed by the intricacies of the law, which regularly changes and varies from state to state. AI takes a one-size-fits-all approach, ignoring these complexities. So if you rely on AI, you’re leaving a lot to chance. Is it worth it to you to gamble on what truly matters? There’s no right or wrong answer—it might be yes or no. What matters is being true to yourself.

Question No. 3: Is AI Really Cheaper and Easier?

And now for the third and final question: Is using AI or DIY legal services really cheaper and easier than working with an expert? If the program makes a mistake in your estate plan and your family ends up in court, embroiled in conflict, with relationships shattered beyond repair, was it worth the supposed savings? What if your assets are lost to the government, eaten up by unnecessary taxes, or drained by legal fees and court costs from litigation?

When you weigh the potential costs—financial, emotional, and relational—against the upfront savings AI might offer, the true value of what matters to you becomes clearer. Estate planning isn’t just about money; it’s about protecting the people you love and ensuring your legacy is honored the way you intend.

You and Your Family Deserve More Than a Quick, Cheap Fix

To make sure your plan works when you and your loved ones need it and saves you and your family money, work with me to create a Life & Legacy Plan. Through my Life & Legacy PlanningⓇ process, I’ll help you clarify what matters most, then together we’ll craft a comprehensive plan that honors your wishes and creates a lasting legacy—at a price that fits your budget. When it comes to something as important as your estate plan, it’s worth taking the time to do it right. Your legacy deserves more than a quick fix; it deserves the thoughtful attention of someone who understands your unique situation and can guide you through the legal complexities to achieve your goals.

As a Personal Family LawyerⓇ Firm, we know estate planning isn’t just about documents or money. It’s about making sure the people and things that matter most to you are protected and honored the way you want. Once your plan is in place, you can rest easy knowing your wishes will be followed, your loved ones cared for, and your legacy preserved. Use the form below to schedule your free 15-minute consultation.

This article is a service of The Life and Legacy Law Center, a Personal Family Lawyer® Firm. We don’t just draft documents; we ensure you make informed and empowered decisions about life and death, for yourself and the people you love. That’s why we offer a Life & Legacy Planning® Session, during which you will get more financially organized than you’ve ever been before and make all the best choices for the people you love. You can begin by calling our office today to schedule a Life & Legacy Planning Session.

The content is sourced from Personal Family Lawyer® for use by Personal Family Lawyer firms, a source believed to be providing accurate information. This material was created for educational and informational purposes only and is not intended as ERISA, tax, legal, or investment advice. If you are seeking legal advice specific to your needs, such advice services must be obtained on your own separate from this educational material.